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learn more about experience projects

Each mission opportunity has built into it a project that is meant to help an individual or La Fortuna as a community.


English Classrooms

We are excited to partner with Asociacion Cristiana Experiencia de Fe and The School of La Fortuna to build 3 classrooms dedicated to the teaching of English.

The world we live in is becoming smaller every day. As technology advances, it becomes easier to connect with people who are scattered across the globe. What does that mean for students in La Fortuna? Every opportunity and every edge they have for learning English opens doors to their future. We live in a tourist area. The obvious open door is to tour guides and others who work in this industry. But anyone who wants to become a doctor, nurse, veterinarian, computer programmer, or just open a business, will have more opportunities available to them the greater their language skills are.

Creating an environment in which students are surrounded by English signs, posters, and decorations as well as the availability of a game corner and book corner (in English) when they finish their work will greatly enhance the students’ focus and ability to master the English language.

It will also be a blessing to the teachers who currently carry their computers, materials, and extra supplies from classroom to classroom. Having a space of their own in which they can have all of their teaching tools at hand will allow them to spend less energy on what they need to take to each class and more energy on being able to teach the lessons.

English Teachers

with Jenny Lee

The School

of La Fortuna

other projects

Ceiling Installation

Two young women assisted Experience in installing a ceiling in a family’s home. The ceiling offers insulation from the heat on the roof and provides a barrier from insects entering the home.

A family who came with Experience volunteered in the English classes, allowing students to listen to native accents and practice English with native speakers.

A mission team partnered with a local Tica to make tamales. The profit from the sale of the tamales went to help low-income families purchase school uniforms so their children could attend school.

Experience not only offers the opportunity for Americans to step away, step into and step out, we also offer the same adventure for ticos (Costa Ricans). Each fall, Experience partners with a mission in Ahauchapan, El Salvador to offer the opportunity for ticos to go and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ’s love. Not all of them are eligible for a VISA to enter the United States and not all of them could afford a trip that expensive. This opportunity allows them to travel to a country that they are allowed to enter at a lower price: stepping away from their daily routine, into a different culture, and out as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Time Schedule

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